The Strait of Gibraltar

In this experience I was in my living room when I heard a door being opened. My son was away for the weekend, so there was no one else in the apartment, except for me and the cat, and the cat was sleeping.

This made me curious to know as to who or what is opening the door. I kind of peaked and saw that there was a figure moving about as if it was living in the apartment.

It seems that figure could not see me, then the whole setting changed from that of an apartment to that of a house. With the living room downstairs and the bedrooms upstairs. But my furniture was the furniture in the house.  It seems like that two worlds were occupying the same space. Perhaps, another dimension.

This time is saw two women, they were doing house activities, passing in the space back and forth. Well, I was curious if indeed I could interact with any of these individuals.

So I guess I decided to do something outrageous. I went to one of the women (the younger one) and I lifted up her dress. When I lifted up the woman’s dress she was really surprised. She could not see who lifted up her dress, so she was also afraid.

She was so scared she was paralyzed, and she sat down in an armchair not moving until the other woman came to see what was going on.

Naturally the other woman was upset, that the younger woman dress was pulled up by forces that were unknown to her.

When she came to the younger woman’s aid she had her companion with her. But it looked like the dude could see me. Then when the dude looked into my direction, the whole scene changed to that of a line of ancient Greek Soldiers.

Then, what I saw looked like they were defending their line against an adversary. I didn’t see clearly who the adversary was, but I would only see the spears of the adversaries being thrusted towards the Greek Soldiers, and some of the Greek Soldiers being pierced by their adversaries’ spears.

But I could see that the Greek Soldiers were coming after me too. Maybe they think that I am one of their adversaries. I picked up a spear and started to defend myself.

I was successful, but I needed to get away before I became overwhelmed. As I went backwards, I saw an open doorway leading to what looked like a beach.

I see that the ocean’s wave was choppy, and I came to the conclusion that I can evade the Greek Soldiers if I swam across the ocean to the coast across from where I was, I later learned that the gap was the Strait of Gibraltar.

I jumped into the ocean and swam across the current. I barely made it across because the sea waves were choppy.

At the other side, I climb up the small cliff and made it on the land. There was a big mountain, and I found myself on top of the mountain evading the Greek Soldiers.

They were pursuing me while I was jumping from one hilltop to the next.  But I came across a high-rise building.

The high-rise building must have finished being constructed because the floors were unoccupied.

I went into this unoccupied high-rise and was evading the Greek Soldiers going from floor to floor.

Overall there weren’t any real conclusions. Either I was on a hilltop, or in the top floors of a high-rise building.  The ancient Greek Soldiers were pursuing but they were never able to capture, and there wasn’t any direct confrontation.

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