Allegations against Puff Daddy

If you weren’t living under a rock then you might have heard about the lawsuit concerning allegations of sexual assault, sex trafficking and violence that was filed against Puff Daddy, aka Puffy, aka P. Diddy. The lawsuit was brought by R & B singer Cassandra Ventura, aka Cassie, who was in a decade long relationship with Puffy. 

The suit opened the door for many speculations that lit social media on fire. Lots of podcasts ranging from Judge Joe Brown to Doctor Umar Johnson have been talking about it.

It was possible to file such a lawsuit in New York because of a law called “Adult Survivor’s Act.” This law created a one-year window for those who were eighteen years and older when they experienced an alleged sexual assault the opportunity to file a law suit against the individual who committed the act, and against the institution that enabled the act, regardless of the statute of limitations.

This act has brought on over two thousand lawsuits, a large swath was filed on behalf of incarcerated individuals against various corrections departments throughout the state. Many were filed against hospitals, and large medical institutions who employed the abusers, and ignored the red flags. Some were filed directly against the abusers themselves. 

In as much as there are legitimate victims of sexual assault who can prove what was done to them, there are also ones whose accusations of alleged abuse are questionable. Perhaps some of those who are now saying they were victims were in fact engaging in consensual activity.

 What was considered the norm twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years ago may be frowned upon in today’s world. Thus, based on today’s standards, those who did consent to the type of behavior that they were engage in are now calling themselves victims. 

If it wasn’t a case of outright blatant sexual assault, then the big question is should the behavior standards of yesteryear be applied to today’s behavioral standards. In addition, should those who engaged in certain behavior, then after they did what they did and felt some sort of regret should be classified as a victim.

The alleged things that Cassie claimed that Puffy made her do, it is hard to fathom that she was not under duress when the alleged behavior took place. There had to be some agreement with her and him arranging for her to engage in sexual activity with multiple partners while he watched.

This leads to wondering if both Puffy and Cassie were into candaulism, where Puffy gets turned on by offering Cassie to others and watching them have sex. While Cassie is getting some type of pleasure from engaging in sexual acts with others to please Puffy.

Perhaps there were elements of sadistic and masochistic behavior going on in the relationship. Was there whips and chains or even bondage involved, or other forms of consensual sexual violence.

Well, who knows what really took place behind closed doors. I doubt that even Cassie’s husband knew, that is until recently.

When Puffy and Cassie ended their relationship of over ten years. Cassie started to have a new relationship with the man who became her husband after he got her pregnant eight months after she broke up with Puffy. Its not unusual that a woman get pregnant shortly after leaving a long-time relationship, but that’s beside that point.  

The point is that Cassie’s husband is a personal trainer and is not on the same scale as Puffy. That when Cassie broke up with Puffy, she had to give up her luxury rent free apartment and other perks that came with being Puffy’s girlfriend.  Her now husband cannot offer the same things that Puffy offered, In other words, as far as the caliber of men is concerned, Cassie down graded.

In addition, cassie’s husband probably didn’t know what really took place during her relationship with Puffy. Perhaps, the husband was curious and overtime during pillow talk she revealed pieces of the aspects that went on between her and puffy.

When the full extent of what took place between Cassie and Puffy came out, with the husband finding out the sort of sexual activity that Cassie engaged in. but refused to engage in the same sexual behavior with him, the husband probably felt some way, and perhaps was a bit jealous, or even furious.

To reassure her husband Cassie probably told the husband that whatever went on between her and Puffy that she did not consent to it, and that she was forced to engage in activity that she didn’t want to do.

This is a type of behavior that some women often do. They would cheat then the husband/boyfriend would find out, they may lie to the significant other and say that the sex was not consensual. Or she may regret her infidelity, or the person who she slept with did not deliver on a promise. Either way she would lie about a consensual act being nonconsensual and the person who she slept with ends up in court defending himself against allegations of rape, or sexual assault.

Which may have happened in this case. At the husband’s behest, Cassie made allegations and contacted puffy demanding a payment of over thirty million dollars, otherwise she is going to write a book disclosing what went on during their relationship. Puffy rejected the demand so the lawsuit was filed.     

The lawsuit was quickly settled out of court with Cassie and Puffy coming to some sort of agreement. The terms of the agreement have not been made public. I suppose that Cassie and her husband had to sign a non-disclosure agreement as part of the deal.

Puffy may have had reasons why he decided to settle with Cassie, but, he may have made a mistake. There is a rule that George Bush followed. That is never to negotiate with terrorists. The premise is that if you pay off one terrorist, it will open the door for others to extort concessions from you.

In this case, Cassie is hardly a terrorist, but the tactics were similar. First, blackmail, which was the demand for the thirty million. A terrorist would threaten to blow something up. Cassie threatened to publish her memoirs of the relationship to the public. This demand went on for a period of six months.

Puffy didn’t budge, a terrorist would have blown up something and threaten to blow up a bigger target. Cassie filed the lawsuit. Puffy settled.

There was some fall out on Puffy’s brand over the whole affair. But the biggest blow is that others who are looking for a pay day were watching to see how Puffy handled the situation.

Now that they’ve seen that Puffy settled rather than fighting that allegation in court, they believe that they can make allegations and get a settlement. Thus, two more people filed a lawsuit to get their payday. The floodgates are open.

FOWC: Uproar


  1. You’ll probably get a lot of flak for your viewpoint there but I think you’re spot on!

    I’ve always suspected that a lot of these girls who slept with a celeb and, years later, come out saying they were abused are just groupies who are now after a payout. I’m sure some claims are genuine but a lot of the claimants who turn up after the original complainant are probably just after money. At the time they were delighted to sleep with whoever it was as he was ‘famous’ and they could get their few minutes of fame. And now they want money as well!

    I call it ‘the Groupie Retirement Fund’ myself!


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