
It was a typical night when I decided to relax for the night. I don’t know how long it was before I started to see images. First the images were of an elevator in some sort of hotel or high-rise building. Some events took place that were sort of distorted and didn’t make much conscience sense. But, the images and events started to clear up.

The feelings that I got were that there was some type of retreat that was taking place, for a group of people who experienced some type of traumatic event in their lives.

Not to sure what role the the hotel or elevator came in, but perhaps it had to do with everyone meeting up at that location to travel where the retreat took place.

The place where the retreat took place was a remote undeveloped area where there was a lake. Some sort of land reservation, untouched, where animals live as they live and nature thrives in its natural state, an oasis of natural development.    

Once in the area the group were on the lake where it was discovered that there were crocodiles in the lake. At first the crocodiles wasn’t threatening, making the group feel at ease that they weren’t in danger.

The crocodiles were lurking about, then the scene shifted from me observing to me participating. There was a built up seating area on the lake and when I sat on the seat I felt something hit me on my side.

It was an old sign that the military puts up warning that there is gas in the area; the sign looked like the ones they displayed during World War one.

When I stood up I could see that there was a line formation of soldiers. It was only one squad, however there was one person standing in the middle of the line wearing a US Marine dress blue uniform, the marine was headless. A medal of honor was put around where the neck was supposed to be. The line of military persons right faced, and marched past where I was, from my view it looked like how a column of soldiers march past the review stand in a military parade.

In fact the soldiers weren’t marching, they were smoothly gliding and when the headless marine passed by, I could see that he was on a platform in front of a vehicle that looked like a golf cart. The vehicle was moving the headless marine. Once the column of soldiers moved past me, they disappeared.

Then one member of the group was attacked by a crocodile and taken down into the lake to be consumed. The remaining group members were shocked, and fear ran through the group.

The crocodiles were cunning, and they were strategically picking off each of the group members. Taking them into the water and consuming them.

There was a veteran and he wanted to get revenge and kill one of the crocodiles, but he was discouraged from jumping in the water to kill a crocodile, because he would be outnumbered and the crocodiles would surly kill him before he can kill anyone of them.

A rescue boat arrived to get everyone to safety, as I was talking to the Captain, and told him that the group was being hunted down by the crocodiles he didn’t believe me. So I picked up a stone and threw it in the water behind the captain, and a crocodile that was stealthy waiting behind the Captain for an opportunity to grab him, quickly swam away. Then I threw another stone to the left of the captain, and it revealed another crocodile stealthy waiting for his opportunity to grab the captain. Now the Captain was convinced that the crocodiles were indeed hunting the group.

A radio call was made and the country’s government sent in rangers to put a stop to the crocodile’s activity.

When the boatful of rangers came into the area the boat hit a snag, and one of the rangers fell out of the boat. The Ranger supervisor went in the water to help the ranger that fell out of the boat. As the ranger supervisor went into the water, the crocodiles moved in and grabbed them both pulling them underwater and consuming them.

Then the boat that had the rangers in were being nudged by the crocodiles until it capsized and all the rangers were in the water where the crocodiles began to consume them.

To everyone’s surprised they saw that there was a huge crocodile and he was the ring leader agitating the rest of the crocodile into stalking and attacking people.

The huge crocodile lifted its head out of the water to intimidate everyone. Then the old veteran whispered to me about taking the opportunity to kill this massive crocodile.  I nodded in agreement.

We put on Kavaler helmets and we jumped on the back of the huge crocodile and stuck our hunting knives in the vulnerable spot at the base of the crocodile’s skull and twisted and cut the brain stem killing it instantly.

The smaller crocodiles disbursed and swam away after they saw the massive crocodile die. The veteran suggested not to let the huge crocodile slip back into the water because it would be a shame if all that meat went to waste.

I was talking to the rescue boat’s captain who told me that the area used to be all water, but during the war, the combat engineers drained it and but up barriers to contain the water creating the lake.

While me and the captain were strolling on the dry part of the land, I could see hibernating crocodiles covered up by the brush. I couldn’t get out of the area fast enough, the government is going to have a big job eliminating all the crocodiles on that piece of land.  

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