Fallen Tree

Not sure what influenced this dream, it started when I saw something that looked like a river and on one side there was some land. Which looked like a meadow and the other side the land looked similar but had a house on it.

There was a tall white flag pole, but no flag was on the pole. I saw two boys playing. The meadow started to resemble the street where I used to live as a youngster.

I saw the two children playing as boys play,  but then there was something about the flag pole, it was falling down, so it had to be removed.

The homeowner was one of the boy’s father, he wasn’t home when the boys took action to cut down the flag pole.

The flagpole was cut and it fell across the river, and onto the land on the other side of the river. It was strange because the white flagpole turned into a thick tree when it landed in the meadow on the other side of the river.  

Then I saw the boys jump into the river and swim to the other side of the river bank and onto the land to assess the damage.  But then one of the boys got caught on the tree and he was trapped. Then the other boy jumped back in the river and swam back to the other side.

He had to get the other boy’s father . to help cut up the tree and remove it from the meadow before the land owner finds out that the tree has fallen onto his land.

The other boy was still in the meadow, it looked like he was pinned down by the tree. Then two people emerged from somewhere underground. They helped free the boy trapped under the fallen tree in the meadow.

Meanwhile the trapped boy’s father and the boy’s friend swam across the river with cutting tools to cut the tree up, but when they got there they did not see the trapped boy, so that started look for him.

The trapped boy could not be found, the scene shifted, and the trapped boy’s father was in the house with his mother. They were pondering their next move because they knew the landowner won’t be happy when he sees that the fallen tree on his land.

Then to the relief of the parents, the trapped boy found his way back to the house.  When the boy came back in the house, the father decided that they are moving out to go and live somewhere else.

The boy’s father didn’t want to contend with the land owner because he knows that the landowner is a vampire.

He told the boy to go and pack up his things so that they can get out of dodge. The boy was confused but obeyed his father.

He went and got his suit case, and was putting his clothes in the suit case, but felt sick. The boy was feeling the effects of being turned into a vampire.

The two people that emerged from underground in the meadow, and freed him from being trapped were vampires, and when they took him back to the lair they turned him into a vampire.

The suggestion that the boy was turned into a vampire was where the dream left off. Seems that there is an unknown factor.

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