Hearing Voices

            I was at the second gig, sitting at the desk doing some routine administrative things. Pretty boring, I must have dozed off a little which sometimes happens when things are slow.

This time around there was no dream to report, but upon awaking was when this strange occurrence took place. In fact it was the reason why I was startled out of the sleep state.

Well, I felt someone or something next to me with their mouth next to my ear saying something. Yes, it was startling hearing words, and detecting the presence of a person next to you. But when you look around nobody is there.

So it was either I’m going crazy, or it was a case of sleep paralysis, perhaps some sort of spirit decided it wanted to communicate with me.     

I suppose the technical term that is used when one hears voices upon waking is called “Hypnopompic hallucination.”

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  1. I only ever had one strange experience like that I think. I was at work clearing my desk and then I was going to drive home the people I gave a lift to work. I heard one of my friends, Hasina an Asian girl, say “Are you ready yet” and looked round – there was no-one there. I went out to the carpark and told her about it and she said she had been standing thinking that. But the voice actually resonated my eardrum – I could feel it!


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