Puff Daddy on Video

            The latest in the Sean Combs, aka, Puff Daddy, aka P. Diddy saga. This time around there is a video circulating showing an altercation between Combs and his then girlfriend Cassie Ventura that occurred in 2016.

The hotel video security surveillance camera captured footage of Combs running down the hallway with nothing on but a white towel, to catch up to Cassie, who left their room and was waiting for the elevator. When Combs caught up with her, he violently punched her in the head, and when she fell on the ground, he proceeded to kick her while she was on the ground, then he pulled her by her arm dragging her back to their room.

Social media, as well as mainstream media is on fire, and everyone is condemning Combs for what he did. People are speculating that Combs settled the lawsuit (to see details click here) quickly because he knew that the video would surface. Even Cassie’s current Husband made some type of statement, saying “men who hit women aren’t men.”

Diddy! Diddy! Say it ain’t so!

Well, now that people are speculating and law enforcement is purporting that the reason why Combs settled Cassie’s lawsuit quickly was because he knew that the security footage of this incident existed and that he didn’t want it to get out into the public’s eyes.

 True_George begs to differ from that speculation because it was also revealed that Combs paid the hotel, or individuals who had access to the security footage fifty thousand dollars for it. But, as you can see the footage was made public anyway.

This means that Cassie did not have access to the footage, because if she did then wouldn’t it be part of the settlement terms for her not to release the video. If she did have access to the video, wouldn’t it mean violating the terms of the settlement and thus subjected to some sort of penalty depending on the contract.   

The footage was released by undisclosed parties, perhaps it was discovered among the contents that were seized from Combs mansions by law enforcement. Released to sway public opinion against Combs, to ensure that people who may be potential jurors will have the opinion that Combs must be guilty of the allegations that the government will charge him with once they put their case together.

Diddy as seemly confirmed that the incident indeed took place when he released a statement of apology. Right now, True_George thinks Combs has made a mistake to release any statement about the incident. That he should have remained silent.

Inasmuch as there are limited information as to what went on during Combs and Cassie’s relationship. People seem to forget that the relationship was over an eleven-year period. Whether this was a one-time incident, or whether there were multiple incidents. Given that Combs other past girlfriends has not come out and stated that they experienced similar behavior.

However, some say that Combs was responsible for the death of his wife Kim Porter. Even though the autopsy has not revealed that Porter’s death was suspicious.    

 Well, at the end of the day, Cassie isn’t as innocent has she is portrayed to be. She colluded in everything that she experienced. Even consenting to some of the allegations that were subjected in the lawsuit. But, as the Diddy saga is being played out I’m sure everything (the truth) will eventually come out.


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