Locating The Range

This dream started out with me seeing images that resembled one of the outdoor firing ranges at Fort Leonardwood, Missouri. This is where I spent time during basic combat training, a few years back.

The environment in the dream space looked exactly the same, as it did in real life. It was summer and you know at the height of summer, the temperature can get so high to almost one hundred degrees.

In the dream, I saw a familiar sight of when the temperature gets to a certain level, training stops and soldiers are told to go into the tree line to sit down and drink water in the shade.

So, as soldiers were going into the shade, I was also going to the area. My shirt was dripping with sweat. I sat down in the shade and drank some water.

But, while we were waiting for the go ahead to start training again, I decided to see what was down the street. In the dream space there was some sort of town, around the corner.  I decided to sneak away and kill time strolling in the town.

After being in the town for some time, I figured that its time to get back, hoping that the Drill Sergeants won’t notice that I was gone. But, the problem was that I was lost and did not know which direction to go back to the range.

I saw a house across the street, I thought that if I climbed up to the roof that I would be able to see which direction that I need to go to get back to the range.

The house was one of those white country looking houses. I climbed up and went to the roof. But it wasn’t tall enough for me to see where the range was.

I walked a couple of blocks down from the house. I saw what looked like either an antique store where there were some ceramics on a large shelf.

The shelf itself looked like a ladder going up, I don’t know how the owner got the products up that high. But, I figured it might be high enough for me to see which direction the range was.

I started to climb up the shelfs taking care not to knock off any of the ceramics off the shelf. As I was ascending upwards, the owner caught me. I could hear  his southern accent voice, demanding what the hell was I doing.

I didn’t want to start a commotion, so I climbed back down and told the owner of my dilemma. The owner called two of his friends over, they said that they can help me out.

We walked across the street to a field, where the friend had some type of a flying machine contraption.

It looked like a cross between a hovering drone with a seat large enough for someone to sit on it.

It looked unsafe, I really never wanted to go on it, but I had to get back to the range otherwise I would have more problems.

I sat on the seat and the drone took off like a helicopter. It didn’t go to high, maybe the height of a house. I could see where the range was, and to my surprise it wasn’t too far. The drone zeroed in on the range and it was taking me there.

I made it back to the range, and disembarked from the drone, hopefully the Drill instructors didn’t see me return from where I wasn’t supposed to be.  

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