Puff Daddy Lawsuit

This was an interesting week, there has been two events that has been dominating the news and the world of pod casts. It was the firing of Candace Owens and the controversial of Sean Combs Aka Puff Daddy, P. Diddie, Puffy, Diddie.

Whew, True_George does not know where to start. Well, the coin was tossed, and it landed on heads, so I guess with Puff Daddy.

The breaking news that federal agents raided two home belonging to Combs. One in Los Angeles, California, and the other in Miami, Florida. The federal agencies did not provide any details whether Puff Daddy was the target.

As we know there are allegations that Combs was involved in acts of sexual abuse, and sex trafficking. He is the subject of multiple lawsuits over the last several months.

All of it was a domino effect stemming from Combs decision to quickly settle a lawsuit that was brought up by his former girlfriend Cassandra Ventura.

A willing participant in taboo sexual activities that she and Combs engaged in and now she is calling herself a victim. How many other people who were willing participants are going to claim that they slept with Combs under duress or were coerced into doing things that they didn’t want to do.

Anyway, documents that were filed in court that may be related to the raids on Comb’s homes surfaced. It may not be, but I guess we will know in time. Until time reveals it all we can do is examine what the court filing is about.

The document was filed in the U.S Federal Court Southern District of New York, which is located right here in New York City. It lists Rodney Jones as the Plaintiff and lists the defendants as Sean Combs, Justin Dior Combs, Cuba Gooden Jr, Lucian Charles Grainge, Kristina Khorram, Love Records, Motown Records, Universal Music Group, Combs Global Enterprises. John & Jane Does 1-10 and ABC Corporations 1-10.

Ronney “lil Rod” Jones is a music producer who worked on Combs last album “The Love Album: Off the Grid.”

Jones is who stated that he was living with Combs while he was producing the album is accusing Combs of grabbing his genitals without his consent. Forced him to hire prostitutes and to participate is sexual acts with them, and that Combs was trying to groom him into having sex with another man.

Jones also claimed that he was forced to drink tequila shots that was laced with drugs while he was at a listening party at Combs California home, that he blacked out and woke up at 4am with a naked sex worker sleeping next to him.

Jones made claims that Combs maintained control over Jones by promising awards, fame and access to high level record executives.

Does this sort of thing sound familiar? That someone (Jones) who wants to be in a position that will gain them some sort of fame or have access to others who can promote what they do to further their agenda or live their dreams will agree to do certain things to make their dreams and aspirations possible.

Then when the smoke is cleared and they were put on the road for them to work and to attain what they strived for, but it did not happen for any reason, or that they believed that what was promised to them never materialized. They blame the person (Combs) who made the alleged promise as if it was their fault that the dreams and aspirations were never fulfilled.

They think of how they prostitute themselves and engaged in behavior that they now regret, they are now calling themselves victims. You can’t make this stuff up.

But, as we examine this document, we could see that Jones took a page out of Cassandra Ventura’s book by compiling a salacious detailed account of what allegedly took place. Jones took it one step further by including photographs.

For example, the document detailed Jone’s Thanksgiving 2022 sexual assault by Yung Miami’s cousin. In which Jones claimed that Combs was intoxicated, and Combs offered him some cocaine. Jones said he refused the offer and went to the rest room to relive himself.

Jones stated that when he got to the rest room, Yung Miami’s cousin busted in and began to fondle him, then she dropped down to her knees and proceeded to suck his dick.

Jones asserts that he pushed Yund Miami’s cousin off him in rejection of her advances, but she followed him out of the rest room and attempted to straggle him in an effort to have sex with him in the presence of Combs and his staff.  

Jones believed Combs sent Yung Miami’s cousin in to do what she did.

This is just one of the allegations that Jones filed against Combs. Jones also detailed another sexual assault that was done against him by Cuba Gooden Jr.

The author of the document is Jones Attorney Tyrone Blackburn. He has taken the effort to make the document has detailed as possible, believing that the case will get a quick settlement in the same manner how Cassandra Ventura’s case was settled.

However, the counsel representing defendants UMG recordings inc, (erroneously sued as “Universal Music Group.”), Motown records and Sir Lucian Grainge (collectively known as the UMG defendants), has complained to the Judge that Jones Attorney Tyrone Blackburn has made baseless accusations of criminal behavior concerning their client.  

That Blackburn failed to follow procedure and serve them notice leaving them in a position of not been able to answer to the charges. That Blackburn knew that they would be powerless to respond. They seek the dismissal of all claims that was asserted against their client on these grounds.

In other words the Attorney Blackburn filed a 100 page document with information that is been talked about over the media, and which may have prompted authorities to raid the homes of Combs, without making an attempt to tell those who are involved in the allegations.

Counsel for the defendants are saying that Attorney Blackburn is playing an unilateral game of making outrageous false allegations, don’t make the effort to serve papers, let the allegations marinate in the press for a time period, then completely abandon the filing. Then make another set of equally baseless false allegations based on a different set of accusations. Let those allegations sit for a while, takes them down and then put up another set of allegations.

Attorney Blackburn admitted that his first filing against the UMG defendants was foundationally based completely on fabricated allegations. Blackburn clams that his second filing has cleaned up the frivolous accusations that Jones is claiming.

Even as the counsel of UMG defendants asked for the document to be modified, the only thing that Jones Attorney was doing was removing all the allegations them making up new ones.

What does that say about Jones and the whole allegations about being sexual assaulted. To True_George it tells me that Jones is fabricating things in hopes of getting a payday.

Its like open season on Sean Combs the like that has not been seen since the open season on Mike Tyson. Sure, there may be legitimate victims, but I can assure you that they are going to be twice as much illegitimate victims.

Those illegitimate victims who were on Combs payroll to do certain things, colliding and consenting to the actions that they took. They are likely to call themselves victims to get a bag.   


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