Penn Station Mall

On this night while I was in the dream space the images I saw, was that I was at some type of mall. The mall resembled the one under Penn Plaza aka Pennsylvania Station (subway and Amtrak) at 34th street. dropping off my clothes to the dry cleaners. As I was coming out of the dry cleaners into the plaza I was accosted by a nuisance.

It is vague whether this nuisance attempted to rob me or did something to make me annoyed. All, I knew I was upset with him and was going to get him but he didn’t make it easy for me to get him, he wanted me to pursue him.

But I was prevented from doing anything because a group of people cornered me. They boxed me in and I couldn’t move. It was like I was set up to be robbed by a group of unknown people. I felt my back pocket where my wallet was, it was still there.

I felt that I was being picked up by this group. I was in the air, just like you would see acrobats. Then I was put down after the nuisance person was out of sight.

Then I was out side the penn station on the other side that is in front of the main post office. I went through the turnstile and went down the escalator where another dude was standing. He said something that I didn’t like so I punched him in his face.

The dude fell down, and must have bumped his head, having some type of seizer. He later got up and was threatening to sue me for his injuries.

Then someone else did something to me and I went to pursue him, but I decided to break off the pursuit and not to go after him because I felt that I was being baited again.

I went back to Penn station to get my clothes back from the dry cleaner, but this time I had a camera with me.

The first person I saw was the dude who was going to sue me. He was standing in the same place, and he was there scamming other people. I had the camera on him doing his activities.

Then he saw me and tried to take the camera. But I told him that I am live streaming everything and everyone will see him taking the camera which will booster my case.

Then I went to the plaza floor to expose other scam artists. There was a Chinese woman who was running some type of jewelry and psychic scam. I went into her tents and put her on camera.

But the other scammers that I dealt with came along to stop things. But when they saw that the camera was live streaming, they kind of fizzled out because none of them wanted to be on video.

After that, things became vague and kid of distorted, I could only remember bits and pieces but cannot find a link to put them together to be able to express it in writing…

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