
After the second gig was over, on the drive home I was listening to the “Black Authority” you tube podcast channel. By the time I arrived on the block and found a parking space, the podcast hadn’t finished yet. So, I decided to finish listening to it before I go up stairs to my apartment.

As, the podcast was playing out I was in a relaxed state and when I attempted to turn off the car’s engine, I found that the engine wouldn’t turn off.

Then it looked like the car was still in gear and was moving. Before the car hit the car in front of me, I stepped on the brake. Once the car came to a stop and I put the gear back in park, I attempted to turn off the engine, but it still wouldn’t turn off.

Then another car pulled up next to me, they wanted to park, so I took the car out of gear to roll forward to give the car that pulled up to me some space to park.

After the car that pulled up to me parked, and I put my car back in the parking gear, I turned the key to turn off the engine. But, the engine still wouldn’t turn off.

The occupants of the car that just parked was asking if I needed any assistance. I thanked them for their offer of assistance, but declined it. After all, if push comes to shove, if the car engine still does not turn off I would just disconnect the battery.

But, something strange happened. The car started to roll forward. I could have sworn that the car was in park. But, luckily for me the car in front of me was leaving its parking space.

The car in front of me moved, but instead of driving off, it turned from being parked parallel to being parked at a 180 degree angle. The car that was parked in the back of me did the same thing. Then another car pulled up parallel to my car and double parked.

So, now my car and the car that just double parked parallel to my car were in between the cars that were parked at a 180 degree angle. My car was boxed in by the three cars.

I never thought much of it since I would be parking for the night. If the car comes out of gear at least it won’t roll down the street because it would be blocked off by the other cars.   

Great, the engine stopped running and I got out my car and was walking towards my building.

While I was walking towards my building, the two car occupants that had asked me if I needed assistance earlier were walking in close proximate to me. They looked like teenagers.

Then one of them was walking past me and when he was next to me, he had something in his mouth which he took and brushed it past my face.

This is when I realized that the thing that he brushed past my face was a razor, and that he was attempting to slash my face.

Dam, these people were attempting to mug me, or could it be that they were candidates for a gang and their initiation was to slash some random person’s face.

The other dude grabbed me and was holding me against my will. The dude that attempted to slash my face was coming back over to finish off what he started.

I was resisting and fighting off both of them. I managed to break free off their grip, and kind of ran down the street, where I ran into two women.

I thought that these two women would have assisted me, but when I got close to them, they turned around and attempted to stab me.

Wow, it looked like these women were in cahoots with the two dudes. I tussled with the women, I managed to avoid being stabbed, I ran further down the block and was being pursued.

I ran into an alley, and climbed a wall, I ended up in front of a commercial building. It looked like the lobby was empty, but there was a security guard in the lobby. He unlocked the door and let me into the building. After I entered the building, he locked back the door.

I saw the people that were chasing me run from the alley looking for me. They could not see through the commercial building’s lobby doors, and they ran past the building, running down the block looking for me.

Well, has I saw those nuisance people run down the block, I couldn’t help but noticing that I could still hear the podcast playing.

This is when it darned to me that I am still in the car with the engine on. The podcast hadn’t finished yet. I must have had one of those lucid dreams that felt vivid. If it wasn’t for the podcast, I would not have been aware that I was in the dream space.

I supposed I better turn off everything and go upstairs to get a proper rest.

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  1. Pretty scary dream! I was accosted once in a very rough area of Manchester late at night after a concert. I was very lucky that a taxi just happened to pass by right then so I hailed it and jumped in!


    • Something similar happened to a friend of mine. She was at a secluded bust stop when two men came and started to accost her. But a taxi was driving through and the driver saw what was happening and stopped the cab and told her to get in….

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