Evading the T-Rex

A Saturday evening at the second gig, since things are not so busy, and my work partner is manning the medication room, yours truly is also doing remote overtime catching up on some bureaucratic work for the government agency where I make my daily bread as a supervising government bureaucrat.  

While performing the duties of the second gig, and the government agency, I decided to take a meal break. Before arriving at the second gig’s location earlier, I had brought some cream cheese pasta with salmon mix, sprinkled with parmesan cheese.

Yeah, I know that I shouldn’t be eating this kind of stuff given that I’m supposed to be planning on losing some weight. But this type of meal is not something I regularly eat, a once in a while thing, so what the hell.

After eating this meal, I felt my body say, “I told you so..” the body talk was the way I was feeling after I consumed the meal. I felt an overwhelming sense of being drained of energy, drowsiness weighed me down, and I did feel a bit sick.

While feeling fatigued and drowsy that was the result of eating that meal, I had no choice but to take a break to sleep off this effect, this is when the dream experience occurred.

I saw images of a village market where some type of fragrances were being sold, and it seemed that I ordered some from a web site. But, when I went to pick them up from that market location, they did not have the fragrance soap that I ordered.

So I went on to the village residence area and into a structure that looked like a raised hut. Once inside, it looked like some sort of club, but before I settled down in that makeshift club. I heard some type of commotion going on outside. People were running for their lives.

As, everyone outside was running for their lives, I felt the ground shake, and with each shake I heard the thud of footsteps. The louder the thud, thud of footsteps, the more the ground shook with each step.  

I looked outside and saw a gigantic lizard that looked like a tyrannosaurus rex make its way into the village. People were hiding to ensure that they did not end up being the tyrannosaurus rex’s meal.

People in the elevated hut where I was in started to be quiet and some hid under the tables, and inside closets with hopes that the tyrannosaurus rex won’t detect their presence and be eaten.

While the tyrannosaurus rex was standing still and moving its head looking around, an idea popped into my head. I had the notion to get a rifle and shoot the tyrannosaurus rex in the eye. Maybe it will deter it from looking for its next meal in the village. Perhaps, it will feel some pain and run away.

I asked someone to pass me a rifle, the rifle that was passed to me was a flint lock rifle, the type of rifle that the American Continental Army used in the American Revolutionary War.

While everyone was quiet, I took aim at the tyrannosaurus rex, and got a good sight alignment of its eye. I squeezed the trigger and the metal ball hit the tyrannosaurus rex square in the eye. Then I heard the loud roar of the tyrannosaurus rex and the ground shaking thud of its footsteps now running towards the direction of the hut.

I heard someone say that the tyrannosaurus rex has the ability to detect the scent of a fired flint lock powder residue. When I heard that, I tossed the rifle out of the window and hid in one of the wall closets just in case I have some flintlock powder residue on my hands.

When the tyrannosaurus rex came to the hut and was sniffing around, everyone was still and there was an eerie silence. However, before the tyrannosaurus rex could sniff in the area where I was hiding, I took out my knife and cut an opening in the wall, and slipped out of the hut. I made my way down the tree, and once on the ground, I hightailed out of the village.

I ran all the way to the next village. The name of the village was Marlboro. I don’t know why that particular name of Marlboro came up. It made me think of a small school that was in the neighborhood where I lived during my younger years, the name of that school was Marlboro Primary School. Anyway, once in the village I alerted them that the tyrannosaurus rex was in the village that I came from.  

People in Marlboro didn’t believe that I ran all the way to Marlboro given that the distance was far. Well, I had the conscience state to understand that it wasn’t a big deal, after all this is in a dream environment.

I ended up in this old lady’s room, she was a seamstress, she had sewing fabric strewn around in the room. While in the room it wasn’t long before I heard the ground shake and the thud of the tyrannosaurus rex footsteps. This is when I dived under one of the beds to hide.

The tyrannosaurus rex came into Marlboro and was sniffing around. It even sniffed directly above the bed where I was hiding. I was not detected, I don’t think anyone got eaten, the tyrannosaurus rex came into Marlboro to look and sniff around. Not sure if it was looking for me, or its next meal. If it was looking for me, it didn’t find me. If it was looking for a meal, it didn’t eat anyone in Marlboro. Perhaps its belly was already full after eating people at the other village. The tyrannosaurus rex just walked out of town without incident.  

I was walking back to the village where I came from, and ended up back in the marketplace, with the same vendor that was selling the fragrances.

This time the vendor had a few of the fragrance soap that I was looking for. The fragrance soap was in a dark blue wrapper. I purchased a few and kept moving to parts unknown.

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